Travelling to a Wedding in the UK? I do!

August, 2018

Wedding season is upon us. I've been invited to a wedding in Scotland, so a few months ago I bought my plane ticket to Edinburgh and while reviewing my to-do list, I realised that my friends are not tying the knot on Edinburgh, but in the so called marriage capital of the UK, Gretna Green.

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There is a growing trend of weddings being held in remote locations. I figured I'm not the only one travelling to a wedding in the UK so I did some research and found a compelling study by Holiday Autos addressing this topic.

The Research

Interesting Stats

  • Research showed that 66% of Brits are not willing to travel more than 3 hours for a wedding. I can imagine that wearing your best frock on public transport is far from ideal so it can be easily arranged with a car since the outfit can travel on the boot and you can change at the venue, wrinkle free approach.
  • 1 in 3 Brits considers travel time as a key factor for RSVP - we all like our comfort so not everyone is up for the task.
  • 30% sees travel time as a deal breaker.
  • 1 in 4 would turn down a wedding invite if the location is difficult to reach - I’m out of this group since Gretna Green is accessible by car so my plan is to hire a car in Edinburg, drive down and enjoy the scenery.

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Funny Stats about Travelling to Weddings in the UK

The research by has some funny stats as well:

  • 3% said they would not travel to any weddings - If you are getting married, this is a good stat to know since it is likely that at least 3% won’t turn up for your big day (save those seats!)
  • 1% said they are willing to drive or travel more than 10 hours to attend a wedding - proving that some would go above and beyond for a free meal.
  • More people are willing to travel for the wedding of their best friend (46%) than for their own cousin’s big day (30%) - As they say, you can’t choose your family but you can choose your friends.
  • 1% is willing to travel more than 3 hours to attend their Ex wedding - Who are these people and why are they even invited?
  • 10% cited ‘Not liking the bride or groom’ as an excuse for not attending a wedding - Fairplay for having the courage to say that out loud.
  • 13% said they wouldn’t attend if they cannot find a pet sitter - which is only fair, pets are family so they should be allowed on the wedding. But only if they are cute doggies.

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Travelling to a Wedding in the UK

The study also found that 45% of Brits are willing to consider visiting a local beach or holiday spot as part of their trip. Seizing the opportunity and turning this wedding trip into a mini holiday or a staycation works for everyone.

Think about it, you have already requested days off work and if you are travelling for a few hours it’s better to hang around and be rested before driving back home.
If you are a confessed foodie, travel around the local area to have the chance to find some culinary hidden gems.

This list has some useful tips of “What to do” and “What not to do” while travelling to a wedding in the UK.

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Dos & Don’ts for when Travelling to a Wedding in the UK


  1. Check your attire before travelling. The UK climate can be unpredictable so be prepared and always bring some layers along. Even during summer time, chances are you will need a light jacket.

  2. Verify the exact location of the venue ahead of travelling. If taking public transport ensure it will drop you off close to the venue, you don’t want to be chasing a taxi from the station. Going by car is the safest bet since you will be able to control your time and arrive straight to the venue. If you don’t have one, hire one here.

  3. If you are hiring a car, remember to choose the best fuel policy for you. This is an important decision so don’t leave it to chance. This blog post will give you great tips on how to find the most suitable one for your trip.

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  1. Don’t Hurry back home. Make the most out of the trip to discover the local area and taste some of the native cuisine.

  2. Don’t Forget about the excess when hiring a car. Do you think that the deposit and excess are the same things? Wrong! They are different. This useful article clearly explains what is car hire excess and how can you avoid or reduce it.

  3. Don’t Forget the shoes. They tend to occupy a large space in the suitcase so get relegated to a random bag. Make sure you have that random bag with you.

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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

So check this nice infographic with more snippets of wisdom.

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If you are invited to a wedding in a remote location in the UK and are aiming for a wrinkle free transport, search for top deals on car hire on Holiday Autos and enjoy a well deserved break.

Blog credit: We are so happy the wonderful Ara Esparza shared her travel tips with us. More about her on @araesparza

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